This article explains how to get started with Oracle GoldenGate for those who deal with Oracle DBA, real-time data replication,data migration, and so on.
What is Oracle GoldenGate for?
Oracle GoldenGate is a product which enables a real-time data replication between databases on different machines.

Basic features:
- high-speed
- lightweight
- flexible options
- runs on the database server
- replication between different database products
- replication between different OS
- bidirectional replication
Overall image of how Oracle GoldenGate works

- GoldenGate writes update logs to a generic format called Trail File, and tranfsers to the target database.
- Manager process manages overall GoldenGate functions.
- Capture process extracts updated data from the source database, and writes it to Trail file.
- Data Pump tranfers the Trail file to the Collector process of the target database.
- Collector process receives the Trail file, and saves it to the local machine.
- Repilcat process reads the Trail file, and updates the target database.
From here, let’s dive into the Oracle GoldanGate and see how the data transfer works with Oracle GolenDate 12c Integrated Capture Mode.
Oracle GoldenGate Introduction
Database Environment
Source Database(server#A) | Oracle Datebase 12c |
Oracle GoldenGate 12c | |
Schema: test | |
Table: sample1 | |
Target Database(server#B) | Oracle Datebase 12c |
Oracle GoldenGate 12c | |
Schema: test | |
Table: sample1 |
1.Configure Oracle Database
- Configure Logging Property (Server#A)
Supplimental Logging is a function which writes additional information needed for GoldenGate’s replication to REDO Log.
$sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL>alter database add supplemental log data;
SQL>alter database force logging;
2.Enacle Oracle GoldenGate
SQL>alter system set enable_goldengate_replication=true;
3.Configure Oracle Data Server Reource (Server#A, Server#B)
As you will use Integrated Capture Mode for GoldenGate, configure ”stream_pool_size” of the Oracle Database.
Recommended Value: (max_sgz_size X parallism) + 0.25
SQL>alter system set stream_pool_size=1250M scope=both;
4.Create user for Oracle GoldenGate (Server#A, Server#B)
SQL>create user ogg identified by oracle;
SQL>grant connect to ogg;
SQL>grant resource to ogg;
SQL>grant dba to ogg;
SQL>exec dbms_goldengate_auth.grant_admin_privilege('ogg');
2.Install Oracle GoldenGate
1.Before You Install (Server#A, Server#B)
Create home directory for GoldenGate,
and also sub-directory for Trail file, then unzip the binary file.
$mkdir -p /u01/app/goldengate
$mkdir -p /u01/app/goldengate/trail
$unzip <GG Installer Package>.zip
2.Create Response File (Server#A, Server#B)
Parameter | Value | Description |
INTALL_OPTION | ORA12c | Database Version |
SOFTWARE_LOCATION | /u01/app/goldengate | Where to install |
START_MANAGER | TRUE | Start Manager after install |
MANAGER_PORT | 31000 | Port number for Manager |
DATABASE_LOCATION | $ORACLE_HOME | Home directory of Oracle DB |
INVENTORY_LOCATION | PATh of oraInventory | Full directory path of inventory |
UNIX_GROUP_NAME | oinstall | Group name |
3.Install Oracle GoldenGate (Server#A, Server#B)
$<GG Installer Full Path>/runInstaller -silent -nowait -responseFile <Response File Full Path>/gg.rsp
4. Create Directory (Server#A, Server#B)
$ cd /u01/app/goldengate
5.Configure global parameter (Server#A, Server#B)
Parameter File: /u01/app/goldengate/GLOBALS
syslog none
allowoutputdir /u01/app/goldengate/trail
6.Configure MANAGER, and start (Server#A, Server#B)
Parameter File: /u01/app/goldengate/dirprm/mgr.prm
port 31000
dynamicportlist 31100-31109
$cd /u01/app/goldengate/
GGSCI> start mgr
Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt
7.Enable Schema-level Supplimental Logging
Sample Schema: test
$cd /u01/app/goldengate/
GGSCI>dblogin userid ogg,password oracle
GGSCI>add schematrandata test
8.Configure Capture (Server#A)
Parameter File: /u01/app/goldengate/dirprm/cap.prm
extract cap
userid ogg, password oracle
ddl include mapped
exttrail /u01/app/goldengate/trail
table test.*
Register Capture Group on database
$cd /u01/app/goldengate/
GGSCI>dblogin userid ogg,password oracle
GGSCI>register extract cap database
GGSCI>add extract cap integrated tranlog,begin now
GGSCI>add exttrail /oracle/trail/source/sr,extract cap
9. Set up Datapump (Server#A)
Parameter File: /u01/app/goldengate/dirprm/puma.prm
Source Table: test.sample1
extract pump
rmthost Server\#B_IP, mgrport 31000
rmttrail /u01/app/goldengate/trail
table test.sample1;
Setup Data Pump
GGSCI>add extract pump,exttrailsource /u01/app/goldengate/trail
GGSCI>add rmttrail /u01/app/goldengate/trail,extract pump
10.Configure Replicat (Server#B)
Parameter File :/u01/app/goldengate/dirprm/rep.prm
Target Table: test.sample1;
replicat rep
userid ogg, password oracle
MAP test.sample1, TARGET test.sample1;
Add group (Integrated mode)
GGSCI>dblogin userid ogg,password oracle
GGSCI>add replicat rep, integrated ,exttrail /u01/app/goldengate/tail
11.Start GoldenGate Service
GGSCI>start *
GGSCI>info all
That’s all for setting up GoldenGate!!
Once you update the Source(Server#A) data on [test.sample1], check the Target(Server#B) which is updated as well.
That was a simple and easy one, but hope it was helpful to you!